Orphanage in India.

The Story.
In 1993 on a trip to rural India, Ivan Squillino from the UK became friends with a local Pastor, Matthew. At the time Matthew with his limited resources was taking care of a number of orphaned street children, in a makeshift shelter. With Ivan’s support they managed to buy land and start the construction of the first orphanage in 1994. During the construction process Matthew without warning took ill and died, leaving the children and a half-finished building. Solomon, an orphan who Matthew had raised, now 17 years old, courageously took on the responsibility of caring for the children. The first orphanage was successfully completed in 2004. Over the years 160 children have experienced care and support from the orphanage. Many are now in local families, or have moved onto work or further education. We are grateful that so many children have been helped, but the need in this poor region is vast.
Solomon Kalaga, who has been leading the work of Destiny in India, has now decided to embark upon a new direction of ministry. We thank him for all the years of his faithful and immensely valuable service with us. We pray for God's grace and blessing in this new season. At this point of change, Solomon has expressed the following:
Dear Apostle Andrew, Pastor Ivan, and Destiny Ministries,
I am writing to this letter thank you for all the donors all these years your supported for the ministry and orphanage here in India. I want to say I'm really appreciate your kind generosity thank you to every person who has kindly donated, I am so thankfull to Sr Pastors Andrew & Sue owen for your leadership over the years as well as I'm so thankful to Pastor Daniel Owen
I'm so grateful over the years to my spiritual father and mother, dad Ivan and mum Daphne, for their love and support. Me and all our Apostolic team so thankful to you. I will continue to pray for you in Scotland.
Once again thank you so much each and everyone. We are all blessed through your Prayers all these years.
God bless
Yours in Christ,
Solomon S Kalaga
Destiny Church India
"Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow"
Isaiah 1:17